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Constantly Looking for Food? Here Are Some Reasons You Always Feel Hungry

Getting hungry is nothing out of the ordinary — it is our bodies’ way of telling us that we need food to be converted into energy. However, some people still feel their stomach rumbling or growling even after a filling meal. Here are some reasons you always feel hungry:

Lack of Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep has often been set aside, with the misconception that you can ‘catch-up’ during the weekends. However, the lack of shuteye has always been linked to many health problems, including obesity.

Stock-Asso/Shutterstock Sleep deprivation may lead to overeating

When we feel tired, we often reach for the nearest snack, but this doesn’t usually curb our hunger. As it turns out, sleep is required for optimal bodily functions, specifically the brain and nervous system.

Moreover, sleep is essential in controlling the appetite since it plays a role in the regulation of ghrelin, the hormone that stimulates appetite. If you lack rest or sleep, your body releases more of this chemical, thereby resulting in extreme hunger.

Excessive Refined Carbs

Refined carbs such as bread, pasta, candy, baked goods, and soda, have been stripped of natural vitamins and minerals. This food group also lacks fiber, which is why your body processes them easily.

Foods rich in fiber will make you feel full for a longer period. Whereas, refined carbs can lead to blood sugar spike and ultimately to heightened levels of insulin, the hormone released by the body to process carbohydrates.

Insufficient Water Intake

Staying hydrated is crucial in our overall wellbeing. It has been found to be beneficial to our digestive system and skin health.

Branislav Nenin/Shutterstock Staying hydrated will help you determine if you’re hungry or thirsty

Moreover, water is also important in addressing hunger. Oftentimes, we mistaken our hunger for thirst, leading to excessive eating. Experts advise drinking a glass if you’re craving for a certain food to know if you’re just dehydrated.

Distracted Eating

This is especially true for busy bees – they tend to multitask while eating. Fearing that they may waste time or believing they are unproductive when devouring a meal, these people often consume their food mindlessly.

Stokkete/Shutterstock Mindless eating may lead to weight gain

As such, your focus is not on your food rather on what you’re doing like driving or finishing a presentation on your laptop. By not being aware of what you’re eating, you may be mindlessly consuming more than what you should.

Eating Too Fast

How fast you finish your food also plays a role in hunger. Studies have shown that those who consumed their meals rapidly tend to have a bigger appetite as compared to slow eaters.

Experts have touted mindlessness or not chewing properly as some of the reasons fast eaters overeat. If done in a prolonged period, this could lead to digestion problems and obesity.

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